About the Community Gardens
Full for 2024
The Waskasoo Community Gardens are located in the Waskasoo Playground at 4409 58th Street. We have 10 garden plots, two perennial beds and a fruit and berry orchard.
While the ten garden plots are planted and harvested by private families, the orchard and perennial beds are open to the public to enjoy. In the orchard you will find apples, cherries, chokeberries, and haskaps and in the perennial beds you can help yourself to rhubarb, herbs, and cut flowers.
We are pleased to announce that the Waskasoo Community Gardens was deemed one of the five most active gardens in the City and has been awarded a Big Yellow Bag of compost from Blue Grass Garden Centre! All ten gardeners are welcome to use the compost as they ready their plots for planting.
Looking for a garden bed? Check back here in early April to see whether we have any open plots. If there are plots available, see below to register.
Interested in volunteering with us? We are always looking for people to tend and water the public spaces. Email waskasoo.gardens@gmail.com if you're interested.
Community Gardens Registration
Waskasoo Community Gardens: Establishing the Rules
There is a $10 annual fee for each plot.
Those who have already been assigned a garden plot will be able to re-register for the next season in March and April before registration opens to the public.
If any garden plots are not claimed by returning gardeners, they will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis starting at 7:00 pm on the day registration opens.
To re-register or apply for a plot, please fill out and submit the Garden Plot Agreement below.
All important dates will mirror those used by The City of Red Deer which for 2023 are:
April 22 7:00 pm Registration opens to new gardeners
May 20 Plots open for season
July 4 'Weed It or Lose It' starts
October 9 Gardens close for the season
Perennial beds and orchard are open to the public to harvest.
Questions? Contact waskasoo.gardens@gmail.com
If you have any questions, please contact waskasoo.gardens@gmail.com.